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PRP 30 min -1 hour


Platelet-Rich-Plasma (PRP) At Skin Vector Vancouver by Dr. Lana Turban

Platelet-Rich-Plasma can be used for several aesthetic purposes. 

  • PRP for hair restoration

  • Under eye skin rejuvenation

  • Facial rejuvenation 

  • Neck, hands and knees skin rejuvenation

  • Pain in the knee, shoulder joints related to arthritis or other soft tissue injuries


How does PRP work?

Dr. Turban would take your blood and spin it in a special device to prepare platelet-rich plasma at the point of care. The platelet-rich plasma is a concentrate of platelets that are rich in multiple growth factors that stimulate your own fibroblasts to  produce collagen for skin rejuvenation. PRP stimulates hair follicles promoting new hair growth as well as increasing the sickness of the shafts of all existing hairs.

Are you a candidate for PRP?

There are certain contraindications for the PRP treatment. 

Dr. Turban will carefully assess you, take your medical history and perform exam to ensure that you are an eligible candidate for the PRP hair treatment or PRP skin rejuvenation treatment. 

  • Technique: Micro droplet injection, Microneedling device, canula

  • Recovery Time: 1-2 days

  • Pain Level: Mild to medium

  • Anesthesia: Topical numbing cream & Ice

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